Unlike any healing experience you’ve ever had

Soul Mending is a unique service that is fully focused on helping you live your truest and highest self. The sessions are a blend of healing, reading, and intuitive experiences curated specifically to your needs. Using my empathic, psychic, and intuitive gifts, I assist you with building a deeper connection within in order for you to grow in all directions in health, mind and spirit.

How do I do this?

We begin by establishing a goal or intention, whether you are in need
of direction, are at a pivotal moment of self-reflection, or are seeking relief from pain. And then I take it from there. 

The story of your past and current life is stored in your body and I gently access this through our connection. During this connection, I will take you into and past the Akashic record where we will hear
the story of your past with the intention of helping you today. We will release congestions, or energy blocks, in order to heal injuries and trauma to help you naturally regain balance. Through medical intuition, I will detect mineral and vitamin imbalances in your body, and much more. Crossed loved ones, guides, and guardians may assist in your session and often relay messages to help you. The experience can
be life transformative.

Each session is fully remote by either phone or online meeting, with the option of a recording of the session.

Your Experience

This is probably, unlike any healing experience you may have had. You will likely feel sensations in your body like waves, tingling, like you are floating, or very heavy. Some people report seeing colors, hearing pleasant sounds, and feeling injuries “mending.” Most experiences are pleasant, comforting, deeply relaxing, calming, and peaceful. 

Marcia Reagan

I grew up in the hills of central New York, where my deep connection to the earth and my love of plants grew from my time spent gardening with my grandmother. 

While in college, I traveled to India where I had the extraordinary experience of connecting to the divine, and the trajectory of my life was forever altered. Inspired by this experience to follow my heart, I returned home to study Art Therapy and went on to practice as a Clinical Mental Health Therapist for ten years.

As a dedicated yoga student, I attended the Sikh Ashram in Millis, MA where I studied the yogic healing technique of Sat Nam Rasayan™ under the guidance of Guru Dev Singh. I then opened my own wellness center, yoga studio, and herbalist practice.

For the past twenty years (or so), I have walked the path of a relatable yogi, concentrating on helping people with anxiety, depression, and loss. Guided by the same feelings I experienced in childhood and at the Buddhist monastery—slower, calmer, more peaceful, connected to something larger than self—I created a place of healing for myself and my clients. For ten years I practiced this healing without swaying from its original teaching, until the pandemic.

In the isolation of the pandemic, I was freed up from the bustle of daily life and was able to tap into my innate gifts as an empath. Throughout my life, I have always been able to feel what others feel and can sense others who have crossed over, but it was during this time in the pandemic that my abilities attuned, once again. What used to be glimpses of different times are now full images and stories of past lives lived, and I am able to share my knowledge of illness, unease, and psychic knowing with my clients in fully remote sessions.

Holding space and building a deeper connection within.


Holding space and building a deeper connection within. 〰️