Grow in All Directions —
In Health, Mind and Spirit

Whether you find yourself at a pivotal moment of self-reflection, are looking for direction in your life, or are seeking relief from pain, Soul Mending is your guide. Everyone is so different that there is no prescription for when, how often, or what type of session you need. Read through my offerings and then reach out so we can discuss how I can help you.

Soul Mending Sessions

Initial Consultation*

If you are unsure where to begin, this is the appointment for you. Wherever you are on your journey we can meet virtually to come up with a plan that's right for your healing and clearing. I will help you navigate the true nature of your call to level up and map out your unique path together. 

*This consultation is included in the In-Depth Soul Mending service.

Initial Consultation. $55 (30 minutes)

In-Depth Soul Mending

Recommended for first-time clients.

Releasing blockages through mediumship and medical intuition. We will delve into past lives that are important to your present life in order to assist with healing from past traumas. 

An In-Depth Soul Mending Session includes the Initial Consultation, a write-up with research and images from your past lives, and messages received during your session.

In-Depth Soul Mending Session
(75 minutes)

Classic Eastern Healing

Start or continue your spiritual and physical healing journey unlike anything you have experienced before. These sessions are a blend of healing, psychic readings, energy scans, past life readings, medical intuition, and diagnosis of where energy is clinging to you, keeping you from feeling clear and light. Energetic entanglements that keep you anchored to your current state of discomfort are released and dispelled. Remnants of past lives that are miring you in the same patterns are released, allowing you to move forward and embrace a new path. It’s a full soul renovation.

Classic Eastern Healing Session. $125 (60 minutes)

Included in with all services. Just let me know when you’re in need!

Deeply nurturing on so many levels, these ten-minute healings are sent to you during moments of need. 

Mini-Healing Sessions*

Home & Family Sessions

Child Healing*

Through medical intuitive reading and past life work these sessions can help your child decrease anxiety and feel more relaxed; heal a specific injury; heal phobias; and more. We will establish your goals or intentions through a fifteen-minute consultation with the parent and child at the beginning of the session.

*A parent or guardian must be present during the healing.

$100 (45 minutes)

House Reading

In this appointment, I will scan your home remotely for energies that do not serve you and your family, and we will discuss ways to create a healthier energy in your home. Add-ons for further clearings (if required), actual remote clearing, and clearing kits for you are available as needed.

$75 (30 minutes)

Pet Healing

Through medical intuition, I work to heal your furry or scaly friend—all types of pets are welcome! We will establish your goals or intentions during a 10 to 15-minute consultation at the beginning of the session.

$50 (30-45 minutes)

Personal Property Clearing

This service will help cleanse the energy from an antique you just bought, an heirloom you’ve received, or a piece of jewelry you got from an ex! All antiques and used possessions should be cleared before use. And we will discuss ways to keep the energy of your items pleasant.  

Personal Property Clearing. Clear as many items as you wish. $25 (30-45 minutes)

Family Subscription

Subscription Healing

Receive three months of healing for you and everyone in your home—including pets—every third Wednesday of the month at 3 pm. You do not need to prepare or be available for this healing. I will sit in meditation for all who subscribe on that day. 

$130 (Three 30-minute sessions for 3 months)

Group Event Sessions

Virtual Soul Mending Reading Party

Receive a glimpse of the magic of Soul Mending at this group event. Discover your past lives, receive intuitive information about your health and life, and perhaps have a visit from crossed loved ones or guides. This party for 5-10 people will raise your vibration, cleanse, and heal. Receive a video recording of the reading the next day.

$33.33/person (up to 2.5 hours)

Group In-Home Reading Party*

This is a very special group reading for parties of no more than 9 friends and no fewer than 5. Your home, and your entire family, will be cleansed by the end of our party. Expect great calmness and clarity immediately following your party.

*For clients within a reasonable driving distance from Rockland, MA.

$40 a person (2 hours 30 minutes)