Frequently Asked Questions

  • Most people find me when they are in need of direction or are at a pivotal moment of self-reflection, or need relief from pain. Generally, if you have a desire to grow in all directions, then Soul Mending will be right for you.

  • Before your session, make sure you have had enough to eat and drink and that you are very comfortable laying down or reclining. You should be as distraction-free as possible, and alone in a private space. You may wish to have a glass of water nearby, a blanket or two, and light-layered clothing (it’s not uncommon to experience temperature variations throughout the session).

    Make sure to use a reliable form of communication for the session. If making a phone call, be sure of a good connection, and if using the internet, be near your wifi or where you know it’s reliable.

  • Everyone is so different that there is no prescription for when, how often, or what type of session you need. When rescheduling, I offer my wisdom on when I think you will need another appointment.

  • This is probably, unlike any healing experience you’ve ever had. Most experiences are pleasant and comforting.

    You will likely feel sensations in your body like waves, or tingling, like you are floating, or very heavy. Some people report seeing colors, hearing pleasant sounds, and feeling injuries “mending”. Every client reports feeling a deep relaxation, calm, and peace. It’s the feeling you had as a child or when you last remember feeling nurtured, safe, embraced, and loved.

  • For most first-time clients, the In-Depth Soul Mending service is the most appropriate place to begin. If you feel overwhelmed or uncertain about which service to choose, I recommend starting with an Initial Consultation which is also included in your first In-Depth Soul Mending appointment.

  • Appointments usually take about an hour. Healing continues much longer than this. You will continue to receive healing for three days, almost to the hour, after your appointment, and your full healing continues on for three more months.

    I recommend marking your calendar for the three days and three months after your appointment as there are distinct moments of shifts you will observe and feel. Marking the days helps validate your healing and your intention.

  • Questions often come up for most people in the days and weeks following an appointment as there can be shifts that take place in the mind, body, and of course the spirit. Since the healing occurs for about three months, texting, phone calls, and emails are included in all sessions to help you navigate these changes. Mini-Healings are also included.

  • A Mini-Healing is a quick healing sent remotely when you need a boost or some extra nurturing. Most Mini-Healings are requested within days of a healing to move the final bit of congestion from the work we did in your session. The other Mini-Healings are sent often during moments of stress or if you are going through a difficult time.

  • Good question and one that is asked often and may feel uncomfortable for many to approach. There is no dogma or religion associated with what I do. I see and heal anyone from all walks of life and religions. I believe I was born with this gift that I cultivated as a skill through years of meditation and commitment to service of my fellow human beings and the planet. The one thing common with almost every client is the belief, or hope, that there is something greater than ourselves. If you have a belief system or religion that you wish to use during our session that can be incorporated since every session is curated for you.

  • These sessions are for healing and progress in this life. If your goals and intentions do not coalesce for the visitation from your loved one, then they won’t come through. However, since the healing lasts for three months, you may in fact be visited by your loved one in dreams, or see signs of their presence after your appointment.

  • So often I hear from clients who have a spouse, kids, parents, or pets who are struggling but can’t get them to book an individual appointment. We all know too well that when our spouse or other loved ones we live with aren’t doing well it dramatically affects our well-being too. The Family Subscription service is the easiest, quickest, most affordable, and most effective way to intervene with care and compassion for the entire family. This healing and clearing is sent and no one even needs to plan for it. Results are usually observed almost immediately and then felt throughout a six-month period of time.