
“When I was asked if I wanted to attend a group soul mending session I had absolutely no idea what that meant or what the experience would be like.  I am forever grateful  to my friend who asked me to join her.

The experience was life altering for me.  I was raised a catholic but as soon as I was allowed  to make my own decision I no longer attended church.  I have always believed in spirituality and that there is something bigger than us but never fully understood what that truly meant.  During my soul mending reading I learned about my past and the impact those things have had on my present life and how to work towards removing that congestion and bringing light in to my life.  The experience left me with a deeper understanding of myself and how to handle my anxiety was a side benefit of that first reading.  

I have since had another group session and have begun to further explore the role crystals can  play in our day to day life and hope to continue this journey of deeper understanding. ”

— Jeanne C.


“I had never done a soul mending class and did not really know what to expect.  It was amazing!  It was just like a zoom call, and even though I did not know most of the people Marcia made me feel at ease.  She let everyone know before hand to dress comfortable and have drinks and blankets and to be relaxed.  She talked for a minute and made sure everyone had what they needed and let us know we could come and go as we wanted and explained a little of what she does and then she jumped right in.  

The best part for me was that she answered questions and made you feel involved with the process and it was very cool listening to everyone’s unique stories and what/who came through for them. 

I personally had a very emotional reaction.  I did not know how much I needed this.  I also reached out to Marcia to thank her after my reading and she gave me more tools to help me through my healing journey. I can’t wait to do it again!”

— Kim M.


“Trustworthy, reliable, gifted, and empathic, are just a few words that describe Marcia. Treat yourself to a session—she’ll help clear the path you’ve been seeking, and lift you to a new place.”

— Gail M.


“I had a session with Marcia and it was incredible! She is so gentle and caring I instantly felt relaxed and held in a safe space. Throughout the session her insights were mind blowing. She picked up on so many old wounds, some of which I had forgotten about and she gently healed them. I can’t easily put this into words but I have an internal scar where I had 69 stitches and Marcia’s healing, I felt along the whole line of them! There was still some stagnant energy there to be released and now it is gone!

And believe me when I say that was a ‘small’ part of the session. Marcia picked up on so much and I could very clearly and very gently feel her energy work dissolving old emotional stress that was left over. 

The session itself was incredible…..the write up she provides afterwards, was totally fascinating, you just have to try it to find out! I have just had a major light bulb moment more than a week later!”

- Jo C.


“Marcia's soul mending sessions are incredibly insightful! I did one recently and was amazed at the amount of information she imparted about my current health, well-being, and past lives! It was so accurate and on-point, and it really made me delve into some feelings I had not processed for quite sometime. I would highly recommend her services!”

— Meg L.